
Vista previa e impresión


Vista previa e impresión


Steps (9) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtain Clearance from CCK  (4) expand_more expand_less
Hire Custom Broker copy expand_more expand_less
Hire a Customs Broker Optional
Obtain Air Way Bill  (1) expand_more expand_less
Obtain Customs Clearance and Final Release of Goods at Airport  (4) expand_more expand_less

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Resumen del procedimento

Institutions involved 3 expand_more expand_less

Communications Commission of Kiribati (CCK) (x 5)
Kiribati Customs Administration and Enforcement - (Ministry of Justice) (x 2)
Kiribati Customs Administration and Enforcement (KCAE) [Airport Office] , MoJ (x 2)
Kiribati Customs Administration and Enforcement (KCAE) [Airport Office] , MoJ

Results 0 expand_more expand_less


Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Declaration of Conformity/Certificate from the Manufacturer
Declaration of Conformity/Certificate from the Manufacturer
Test report
Type Approval Fee Receipt
Copy of Labeling/Markings from a Type Approval Authority
Operating Instructions (Manual/Catalogue)
Description of repair services in Kiribati
Commercial Invoice (x 2)

Estimated cost AUD  10

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AUD expand_more expand_less
  • AUD Add Name Here
AUD 10
Costs varies depending on the type of equipment imported if it's an equipment that has not been registered in the CCK database system then you have to pay $10.00 but if the equipment is already registered in the CCK's database system then the $5.00 fee applies.

Total Duration 1 días - 13 días expand_more expand_less

  min max
Duración total: 1 días 13 días
de la cual:
Espera en fila: 15mn 1h. 15mn
Atención en ventanilla: 15mn 1h. 30mn
Entre pasos: 0 días 12 días

Laws 3 expand_more expand_less

Communications Act, 2013 Communications Act 2012
Communications Act 2012 Communications Act 2012
Customs Act 2005 Customs Act, 2005
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